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Operations with Integers Math Worksheets

Many of the worksheets for adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing integers were recently updated on Math-Drills, and many new worksheet options were added. Check out the new operations with integers math worksheets now or continue reading for more details.

As with other new math worksheets in the past few years, these ones were made to be fillable and savable. Students can complete them in their browser or a stand-alone app like Adobe Acrobat Reader, save or print the results and send a saved file electronically. For those that prefer to print the worksheets, the fillable boxes will not show when you print.

Number of Questions

Extra worksheets were added to the page with various numbers of questions based partly on a user’s request and partly to include further options for different use cases.

The 100 questions per page worksheets were made for multiplying and dividing integers since the existing worksheets were also 100 questions per page. For everything else, the largest number of questions on each page is now 75 (three columns of 25) because that number of questions fit well on the page and a sufficiently large font and fillable boxes could be used.

Every operation includes a 50 questions per page (two columns of 25) option. Teachers tend to like numbers that are easy to turn into percentages, and sometimes it is overwhelming to students to have too many questions on a page.

Large print, 25 questions per page (in two columns of 13 and 12) worksheets for every operation were added.

The image below shows the layout for a 50 question worksheet.

Subtracting Mixed Integers from -9 to 9 (50 Questions) (A)

Alignment of Questions

A lot of thought went into exactly how to align the questions, and a number of different configurations were tried. In the end, it was decided to align both the operation signs and the equal signs in each column. The result is that all of the fillable boxes are aligned in an aesthetically pleasing way, and, especially on mixed operations worksheets, students are able to see what operation to use more clearly. The operands are right-aligned to the left of the operation sign and left-aligned to the right of the operation sign, so the question itself doesn’t have any gaps. The image below shows how the operation signs, equal signs and fillable boxes are aligned.

Example of alignment of operation signs, equal signs and fillable boxes.


From past experience, I know some people prefer to put parentheses around every integer, others use parentheses only to separate adjacent operation signs and negative signs, and others prefer no parentheses. All of the adding and subtracting integers worksheets and the “all operations” worksheets have choices for parentheses. The example image below shows questions from an “all parentheses” worksheet with mixed addition and subtraction.

Example of all parentheses questions.

Scaffolding Multiplication and Division

Learning about multiplying and dividing integers involves some form of these rules (these ones are on the integers page at Math-Drills):

Multiplying integers rules.

The first rule is pretty easy and is the main topic of the Math-Drills Multiplication Facts page. The other three rules can throw some students for a loop, so there are worksheets that include questions that cover each rule individually. The same options exist for dividing integers worksheets and mixed multiplying and dividing integers worksheets.


A number of different ranges are covered in the operations with integers worksheets. For adding and subtracting integers, the ranges are: [-9,9], [-12,12], [-15,15], [-20,20], [-25,25], [-50,50] and [-99,99]. This allows for a greater variety of difficulties for different students. For multiplying and dividing integers, the ranges are mainly [-9,9] and [-12,12], but there are a few exceptions and the “all operations” worksheets expand their ranges significantly.


In summary, there are a lot of options both new and renewed for the operations with integers worksheets. Other configurations are quite possible, so if you would like to see something that doesn’t already exist on the integers page, send an email with your suggestion. Enjoy the new worksheets!