Number Sense Worksheets


Welcome to the number sense page at where we've got your number! This page includes Number Worksheets such as counting charts, representing, comparing and ordering numbers worksheets, and worksheets on expanded form, written numbers, scientific numbers, Roman numerals, factors, exponents, and binary numbers. There are literally hundreds of worksheets meant to help students develop their understanding of numeration and number sense.

In the first few sections, there are some general use printables that can be used in a variety of situations. Hundred charts, for example, can be used for counting, but they can just as easily be used for learning decimal hundredths. Rounding worksheets help students learn this important skill that is especially useful in estimation.

Comparing and ordering numbers worksheets help students further understand place value and the ordinality of numbers. Continuing down the page are a number of worksheets on number forms: written, expanded, standard, scientific, and Roman numerals. Near the end of the page are a few worksheets for older students on factors, factoring, exponents and roots and binary numbers.

Reading and Writing Numbers

Counting Worksheets

Rounding Numbers Worksheets

Comparing and Ordering/Sorting Numbers

Converting Numbers to Different Forms

Operations with Roman numerals

Factors and Factoring

Least Common Multiple (LCM) Worksheets

Exponents and Roots

Other Base Number Systems

  • The binary number system has broad applications, but it is most known for its predominance in computer architecture. Learning about the binary system not only encourages higher order thinking, but it also prepares students for further studies in mathematics and computer studies. The chart below may be useful for students who need some help lining things up and learning about place value as it relates to the binary system. We included a base 10 number column, so you can use the chart for converting between decimal and binary systems.

  • The mystery number trick below is actually based on binary numbers. As you may know, each place in the binary system is a power of 2 (1, 2, 4, 8, 16, etc.). Since every decimal (base 10) number can be expressed as a binary number, each decimal number can therefore be expressed as a sum of a unique set of powers of 2. It is this concept that makes this trick work. You might notice that the largest decimal number on the cards is 63 which is also the largest 6-digit binary number (111111). The target position on each version of the mystery number trick contains the powers of 2 associated with the first 6 place values in the binary system (1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32). Each of the 6 cards represents a specific place value. All 32 numbers on each card contain a 1 in the associated place when written in binary. Basically, when the "friend" identifies the cards that contain the mystery number, they are giving you a binary number that simply needs converting into a decimal number. Just for fun, we mixed up the numbers on the cards and the target position on versions C to J. Version A includes numbers in ascending order and version B includes numbers in descending order. The other versions (B to J) will be available once you click on the A version below.

  • Help with Converting Between Base Number Systems:

  • There are shortcuts for converting between some bases. For example, converting from binary to octal takes little effort since 8 is a power of 2. Each group of 3 digits in a binary number represents a single digit in an octal number. For example, 1112 (the 2 stands for binary or base 2) is 78 (the 8 stands for octal or base 8). The simple way to convert binary numbers to octal numbers is to group the binary number into groups of three digits. For example, 1110101010001112 could be written as 111 010 101 000 111. Converting each group into octal means multiplying the first digit of each group by 4, the second digit by 2 and the third digit by 1 then adding the results together. This will result in digits no larger than 7 (since 4 + 2 + 1 = 7) and the number will be converted to base 8. In octal, therefore, the number is 725078. If you can express the octal numbers from 0 to 7 in binary, you can easily convert the other way. For example 72238 = 1110100100112 since 7 is 111, 2 is 010, and 3 is 011 in binary.

  • A similar shortcut for converting between binary and base 4 numbers involves looking at binary numbers in groups of 2. Similarly, converting from base 3 to base 9 and base 4 to base 16 involves groups of two. Converting from binary to hexadecimal would involve groups of 4.

  • For other conversions, a commonly used tactic is to convert to decimal as an intermediate step since this is the base system that is probably ingrained in your brain, so it is much more intuitive. For example, converting from a base 5 number to a base 7 number would involve first converting the base 5 number to base 10. To convert, it is only necessary to know the place values of the system that you are converting from and to. In base 5, the lowest place value (furthest to the right) of whole numbers is 1 followed by 5, 25, 125 and so on. In base 7, the place values are 1, 7, 49, 343 and so on. First multiply the digits in the base 5 number by its place values, then divide the resulting decimal number by the base 7 place values and you will have your conversion. For example 43315 is expanded to (4 × 125) + (3 × 25) + (3 × 5) + (1 × 1) = 500 + 75 + 15 + 1 = 591 (in base 10). To continue into base 7, there are at least two ways, the second method is in the next paragraph. For simplicity's sake, take the largest base 7 place value that will divide into 591 at least once. In this case it is 343 which goes into 591 exactly once (1) with a remainder of 248. Divide the remainder by the next place value down, 49, to get (5) with a remainder of 3. Divide 3 by 7 which is (0) with a remainder of 3. Finally, divide by 1 which should leave no remainder, and it is (3) in this case. Put all those digits together and you should have your number in base 7: 15037.

  • A method to convert directly from one base system to another involves knowing how to divide in the base system you want to convert from. It is fairly easy if you are familiar with the base system. Simply divide the number by the base you want to convert to (but express it in the original base system). Repeat until the division results in 0 with or without a remainder. Convert the remainders and put them in reverse order for the number in the new base system. For example, convert 37508 to hexadecimal (base 16). 16 in base 8 is 208. The first step is to divide 37508 by 208 = 1768 R 108. Next, divide 1768 by 208 to get 78 R 168. Finally, 78 divided by 208 is 08 R 78. Convert the remainders to base 16 (which you may have to think of in terms of decimal numbers, or you can use your fingers and some toes) and write the digits in reverse order. 78 is 716, 168 is (14 in decimal) E16, and 108 is 816. So, the number 37508 is 7A816.